So our doorbell has been broken for many years now. You can set it to where it will work for the downstairs..but the upstairs (where we are most often) is dead. Many guests, mailmen, etc have come to our door, and pressed the doorbell, but we never hear it. I was super excited to come across this wireless doorbell!
You can get yours HERE!
It comes in 2 different colors, white and black. I chose the black one. It looks very nice, and is well made. It comes in 2 pieces, the doorbell, and then the sound unit. You'll want to make sure to plug the main sound unit into an outlet that you can hear from. So, don't plug it in, in the pantry, but rather the living room, where you'll be sure to hear it. It also comes with all the hardware and the battery you'll need to make the product work. On the doorbell piece, you'll need something small enough to push the button on the inside of the hole to allow the cover to come off. It was a bit tricky, but I figured it out in a couple seconds.
Once you take the cover off, you can put the battery that's provided in the unit, and replace the cover. Mount your doorbell onto the outside wall next to your door. You'll then come inside, and plug the unit into an outlet. From there, you can begin going through the 36 music tones until you find one that you want to use. The options are endless!
Once you have the tone figured out, you can adjust the volume as well. That's it, you're ready to go. You're wireless doorbell is complete and ready to be used! Another great feature of this doorbell, is that it's waterproof! I don't have to worry about the rain or snow getting to my doorbell!
We are very happy with ours, and it's loud enough to hear down the hallway and in the backroom!
I received this product for a discount, in exchange for my honest, unbiased review, however, my opinion is my own.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Do you have ninja boys in the night?
As a mom of 6 boys, I'm sure other moms of boys can relate. It's late, you get all your kid to sleep for the night. You go room to room and check on each of the kids, making sure they are covered up, nothing that will hurt them in their beds, the walk way to their room is clear of anything that might cause them to trip, and of course, still breathing. After all, you're a worry wart.
After I've gone to each room, and made sure that each boy is well covered and they are sound asleep, I go back to my room and settle in for the night. At some point during the night, you wake up and groggily make your way to the bathroom. For the downstairs only consists of 1 bathroom, so you share with your children. You walk in, quietly crack the door shut as to not wake any one, and, if you're like me, you leave the light off, because for goodness soon as those kids see light, they are ready to start their day!
As you turn and sit down on the toilet, you realize, that at some point, one of your little boys has woken up, and made his way to the bathroom, only to pee..all over the toilet seat. You've just sat in drops of pee, that otherwise could have been avoided if your silent ninja boy, would have turned the light on.
I have seen these lights on tv before, but never had the chance to try one out. I was given a discounted, sample in exchange for my honest, and unbiased review, although, my opinion is surely my own. This light is so cool. When I first received it, I noticed that the box shows you what colors you can choose from. 8 total, in shades of red, orange, blue, green, turquoise, purple, pink, and grey. It's very simple to function. It takes 3 AAA batteries, that are not included. So be prepared, and have some on hand for the day you get your new prize.
Remove the battery cover form the back, and place your batteries in. Replace the cover, and you're ready to go. The end that has the light, gently, but firmly, stretch it, so that it's tall and flat. This allows you to bend the "wand" to fit your toilet bowl. You'll want to make sure that the sensor is in an area that will get dark, so the light turns on. Not only does this toilet bowl light, ensure that you pee in the right spot, it also enables you to not fall into the toilet when the lid is left up, you don't need to worry about blinding yourself and struggling to fall back to sleep after turning the bathroom light on.
You can get yours HERE!
I no longer have to worry about sitting in my boys' pee that they attempted to aim right but failed. I don't need to turn the bathroom light on for a quick trip, and this also serves as a night light for the bathroom and is pretty stinking cool to look at! Another cool feature, you can set this to a solid color, or you can have this rotate through all the colors! My 6 boys are very excited, and talk about getting more of these for their grandpas house, and friends!
I received this product for a discount, in exchange for my honest, unbiased review, however, my opinion is my own.
After I've gone to each room, and made sure that each boy is well covered and they are sound asleep, I go back to my room and settle in for the night. At some point during the night, you wake up and groggily make your way to the bathroom. For the downstairs only consists of 1 bathroom, so you share with your children. You walk in, quietly crack the door shut as to not wake any one, and, if you're like me, you leave the light off, because for goodness soon as those kids see light, they are ready to start their day!
As you turn and sit down on the toilet, you realize, that at some point, one of your little boys has woken up, and made his way to the bathroom, only to pee..all over the toilet seat. You've just sat in drops of pee, that otherwise could have been avoided if your silent ninja boy, would have turned the light on.
I have seen these lights on tv before, but never had the chance to try one out. I was given a discounted, sample in exchange for my honest, and unbiased review, although, my opinion is surely my own. This light is so cool. When I first received it, I noticed that the box shows you what colors you can choose from. 8 total, in shades of red, orange, blue, green, turquoise, purple, pink, and grey. It's very simple to function. It takes 3 AAA batteries, that are not included. So be prepared, and have some on hand for the day you get your new prize.
Remove the battery cover form the back, and place your batteries in. Replace the cover, and you're ready to go. The end that has the light, gently, but firmly, stretch it, so that it's tall and flat. This allows you to bend the "wand" to fit your toilet bowl. You'll want to make sure that the sensor is in an area that will get dark, so the light turns on. Not only does this toilet bowl light, ensure that you pee in the right spot, it also enables you to not fall into the toilet when the lid is left up, you don't need to worry about blinding yourself and struggling to fall back to sleep after turning the bathroom light on.
You can get yours HERE!
I no longer have to worry about sitting in my boys' pee that they attempted to aim right but failed. I don't need to turn the bathroom light on for a quick trip, and this also serves as a night light for the bathroom and is pretty stinking cool to look at! Another cool feature, you can set this to a solid color, or you can have this rotate through all the colors! My 6 boys are very excited, and talk about getting more of these for their grandpas house, and friends!
I received this product for a discount, in exchange for my honest, unbiased review, however, my opinion is my own.
Monday, February 22, 2016
LEGO® Compatible Table Kit--The Only Complete Kit
With that said, lets get started! First of all, this Lego kit is FANTASTIC! It comes with everything you need from start to finish! #LEGOtablekit
This lego kit comes with 4 base plates, that measure 10x10, Gorilla glue, sandpaper and complete ILLUSTRATED! instructions! You can buy multiple kits, or just stick with one, all depends on how big of a table you'd like to create! What's even better, is that you can cut these base plates to fit a smaller table if that's all you have!
To get started, make sure you purchase enough base plates to cover your table. As you lay your plates out, use lego bricks to keep them together at the edges, this way, they don't move or slide out of place as you're designing your table. There will be a slight gap between the plates, and that's completely normal. You'll want to preserve that gap so the bricks work properly from plate to plate!
If you find that you need to cut your base plate, simply measure where you need to cut, and lay the plate against a cutting board, or surface that won't be damaged during cutting. Slide your razor down, back and forth multiple times, to create a deep cut. Make sure you do it in a straight line, or your plates won't line up evenly. Once you get a deep cut, you can bend your plate at the cut and it should come apart easily. Make sure you sand your edges where you cut, so that no one gets cut!
Then, when you're ready to put your plates together, you'll lay your plates out exactly how you want them, and use a pencil to trace the outside edge all the way around. This way, when you go to glue your plates, it won't be a guessing game as to where each piece goes.
Remove your plates from your surface, and start with the first one. You'll take your sand paper, and sand the bottoms of each plate for about 10 seconds, and the inside part of the pencil marks for about 40 seconds, or until dull. Remove any dust, so ensure the glue sticks properly.
When you're ready to glue, you'll want to spread your gorilla glue about 1/2" from the edge (3rd row of dots in) and go all the way around the perimeter of the plate. Then, make straight lines of glue from top to bottom on the inside perimeter. The glue will expand as it dries, so be careful not to get too close to the edge. Flip your plate over, and align it up to the pencil marking, and push it down firmly, do this with each of the plates.
Take your legos, and use the thick bricks to piece each plate together, on the outside end, and the inside. This will help keep your plates together/aligned while the glue dries. Wipe away any glue that may have seeped out with a rag, but make sure none of the glue gets on the spacer bricks, or those will be glued as well!
If you find that your plates aren't staying down enough, use canned goods to create pressure all over the table, and let the glue dry for 24 hours.
That's it! Easy as pie! #LEGOtablekit
You can find your own lego kit here:
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Click n' Play Blue Building Brick Baseplates - 5"x 5" - (Pack of 8)
So this pack of lego plates comes in a pack of 8. They are a perfect square, at 5x5. They are all a pretty blue color, and smooth to the touch. You can use these so many different ways. You could attach them to a table, and build a lego table. You could use these in a school setting, so that each student has their own plate to build on. No worrying about fighting that so and so gets the bigger one, these are all the same size, shape and color.
These plates work well with name brand legos, and with off brand bricks. They fit nice and snugly, but not too snug. You can build as high as you want, build a house, a village, connect them together. Ideas are endless!
I received this product for free, in exchange for my honest, unbiased review, however, my opinion is my own.
Click n' Play - 500 pc Value Pack of Building Bricks
You can buy this product here:
Low cost of only $18.99!!!
You get a 500 piece value pack of building bricks with 10 assorted colors and 14 different shaped pieces!
While these may be what you'd call "off-brand", aside from the "name" on the brick, these fit, and look exactly like real Lego's! They are sturdy, and well constructed. They fit snugly together, to create a long lasting structure. They mix and match with no problems, and the colors are great! There are a few colors that you won't find in real legos, so it makes for even better imaginations!
These bricks also interchange with real legos, so you can mix and match, and build, and they will all work together nicely! They also attach to lego plates, so you can build villages, houses and more!
With this price, I can buy multiple bags for my kids, and they'll have enough legos to last them years!
I received this product for a discount, in exchange for my honest, unbiased review, however, my opinion is my own!
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Sili Bake Pastry mat
First of all, you can find this amazing product Sili Bake
This product costs $16.99, and is well worth it!
This is a large mat, 23"x15". It is a non slip mat, which is NICE to have! I was able to place it on my desk and my kitchen table, and roll out my fondant, without worry about the mat slipping, and taking forever to finish my work. It comes rolled up in the box, and when you pull it out and unroll it, it lays flat. There are no wrinkles, or creases. It's ready to go as soon as you pull it out of the box.
This mat is safe for the oven, freezer, and dishwasher, although you can hand wash it if you prefer, with soap and water. It is made of the highest grade of FDA silicone, and chemical odor free. When using this mat, it has a non stick surface, meaning you don't need extra flour or oil to keep your pastry's from sticking. With the pre-measurements printed onto the mat, it allows you to roll out the perfect size pastries without any fuss.
It even comes with a pie recipe and a sugar cookie recipe printed on the mat as well. You'll also find oven temperature conversion, measure conversion and weight conversion. SO convenient! This is the perfect pastry mat, for all your baking needs! I received this product for free, in exchange for my honest, unbiased review, however, my opinion is my own.
This product costs $16.99, and is well worth it!
This is a large mat, 23"x15". It is a non slip mat, which is NICE to have! I was able to place it on my desk and my kitchen table, and roll out my fondant, without worry about the mat slipping, and taking forever to finish my work. It comes rolled up in the box, and when you pull it out and unroll it, it lays flat. There are no wrinkles, or creases. It's ready to go as soon as you pull it out of the box.

It even comes with a pie recipe and a sugar cookie recipe printed on the mat as well. You'll also find oven temperature conversion, measure conversion and weight conversion. SO convenient! This is the perfect pastry mat, for all your baking needs! I received this product for free, in exchange for my honest, unbiased review, however, my opinion is my own.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
ISA Professional Mirror Titanium Flat Iron
This Hair Iron retails for aprox. $299, but you can purchase it for $129 on Amazon, Here is the product link: ISA Professional
After I plugged it in, I love that it has a display, that tells you if it's on/off, and what the temperature is. It also has a power button, and a + and - sign, to bring the temperature up or down. It's very sleek and smooth. The design makes it easy to hold and use. The color, deep red, is very flawless and reminds me of something you'd see in a salon. You'll want to be careful when touching the iron, as the top part where you put your hair, gets hot to the touch. I wouldn't recommend touching it without some sort of protective cover on your fingers.
This iron took way less time than any other iron I've used. I have fairly long hair, and it took me about 15 minutes from start to finish to get my hair nice and straight.
This iron is made of mirror titanium plates. It has a neon background LCD Display. You can straighten your hair, create curls or waves with ease! The temperature goes from 265* to 450*, and you get a 2 year warranty!! This is my all time favorite iron!
I received this product at a discount, in exchange for my honest, unbiased review, however, my opinion is my own.