
Monday, February 22, 2016

LEGO® Compatible Table Kit--The Only Complete Kit

I received this product for a discount, in exchange for my honest, unbiased review, however, my opinion is my own.

With that said, lets get started! First of all, this Lego kit is FANTASTIC! It comes with everything you need from start to finish! #LEGOtablekit

This lego kit comes with 4 base plates, that measure 10x10, Gorilla glue, sandpaper and complete ILLUSTRATED! instructions! You can buy multiple kits, or just stick with one, all depends on how big of a table you'd like to create! What's even better, is that you can cut these base plates to fit a smaller table if that's all you have!

To get started, make sure you purchase enough base plates to cover your table. As you lay your plates out, use lego bricks to keep them together at the edges, this way, they don't move or slide out of place as you're designing your table. There will be a slight gap between the plates, and that's completely normal. You'll want to preserve that gap so the bricks work properly from plate to plate!

If you find that you need to cut your base plate, simply measure where you need to cut, and lay the plate against a cutting board, or surface that won't be damaged during cutting. Slide your razor down, back and forth multiple times, to create a deep cut. Make sure you do it in a straight line, or your plates won't line up evenly. Once you get a deep cut, you can bend your plate at the cut and it should come apart easily. Make sure you sand your edges where you cut, so that no one gets cut!

Then, when you're ready to put your plates together, you'll lay your plates out exactly how you want them, and use a pencil to trace the outside edge all the way around. This way, when you go to glue your plates, it won't be a guessing game as to where each piece goes.

Remove your plates from your surface, and start with the first one. You'll take your sand paper, and sand the bottoms of each plate for about 10 seconds, and the inside part of the pencil marks for about 40 seconds, or until dull. Remove any dust, so ensure the glue sticks properly.

When you're ready to glue, you'll want to spread your gorilla glue about 1/2" from the edge (3rd row of dots in) and go all the way around the perimeter of the plate. Then, make straight lines of glue from top to bottom on the inside perimeter. The glue will expand as it dries, so be careful not to get too close to the edge. Flip your plate over, and align it up to the pencil marking, and push it down firmly, do this with each of the plates.

Take your legos, and use the thick bricks to piece each plate together, on the outside end, and the inside. This will help keep your plates together/aligned while the glue dries. Wipe away any glue that may have seeped out with a rag, but make sure none of the glue gets on the spacer bricks, or those will be glued as well!

If you find that your plates aren't staying down enough, use canned goods to create pressure all over the table, and let the glue dry for 24 hours.

That's it! Easy as pie! #LEGOtablekit

You can find your own lego kit here:


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